January 22, 2025

As a result of the now well-known Law No. 242 of 2016, the sale of Legal Marijuana has become lawful in Italy as well, subject to some certain quantitative limits regarding the active ingredient THC, and thus allowing its free purchase both in physical stores and on the web, where there are various specialized platforms.

As is well known, this plant contains particular substances (cannabinoids) that can have psychoactive effects in relation to their concentrations; some parts of the plant are almost totally devoid of them and therefore find wide use in the formulation of cosmetic products or for gastronomic uses, and it is precisely on this juncture that we want to focus our main attentions today.

In particular, in fact, marijuana leaves are rich in many substances useful to the body and, when consumed fresh like a real vegetable, are particularly beneficial.

But that’s not all. Cannabis also represents an excellent natural resource, hitherto underestimated, which is also advantageous in the therapeutic field for the treatment of numerous ailments and especially for alleviating various types of pain.

So, the uses of marijuana thus cover many areas, including the food sector, which allows numerous preparations to be derived. Could we not address this topic, and dwell on some of the main delicacies that can be obtained through this vegetable?

This is precisely the goal we have set ourselves with this in-depth study: to try to share in a clear and transparent way what the benefits of marijuana are and, with the occasion, to try to understand why this product can be consumed in a very creative way, even in the kitchen, for the creation of delicious recipes!

Legal marijuana cookies : so many recipes you can try in your kitchen!

Taking a cue from the above, in today’s guide we wanted to share together some recipes that will allow you to enrich your menu with hemp products.

We encourage you to carve out a few minutes so you can read further, and check out the breadth of flavors and tastes you can put your passion for legal marijuana to good use !

Hemp seeds

Let’s start with hemp seeds. As you may already know if you have read our other insights we have previously covered on this topic, this is an extremely nutritious food rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids that, because of their antioxidant action, improve the functioning of nerve receptors and muscle fibers.

Moreover, being totally free of THC, hemp seeds they do not possess psychotropic effects, but contain all the amino acids essential for protein synthesis. Therapeutically, moreover, the seeds help to keep cholesterol levels controlled and act in the presence of respiratory system affections.

Hemp oil

Considered a valuable dietary supplement, hemp oil is obtained by cold-pressing the seeds and is mainly used raw to maintain the properties of the polyunsaturated fatty acids (linoleic, linolenic and alpha linoleic) it contains.

It is also rich in vitamin A, B vitamins and vitamin E, thus ensuring a good nutritional intake for our bodies.

Cannabis recipes: how to make cookies!

Having clarified the above, let’s now get into our recipes that can be made with legal marijuana. From desserts to cakes and cookies, there are numerous dishes you can prepare with marijuana, appreciating not only its delicious flavor, but also its beneficial properties for the body, especially when combined with a pleasant hemp herbal tea.

Let us always remember, at this juncture, how only CBD (cannabidiol) is contained within cannabis, which, as is known, does not possess psychotropic effects (like THC) and is characterized by numerous advantageous requirements.

In any case, in order to prepare excellent marijuana cookies, it is advisable to start by making one of their key ingredients: hemp butter, which can be easily obtained by serving inflorescences and unsalted butter.

Recipe for hemp butter


  • 250 grams of unsalted butter
  • 15 grams of legal marijuana buds
  • 1 liter of water


A fundamental prerequisite for this recipe is the decarboxylation of cannabis, the purpose of which is to optimize the bioavailability of the active ingredients; to do this, the shredded buds must remain in the oven (at a temperature between 100 and 114 degrees) for at least 30 minutes.

It is then necessary to chop the inflorescences until the mixture is almost pulverized, to allow it to blend perfectly with the butter. Meanwhile, you need to heat the water within which to introduce the butter cut into not-too-thick strips, to help it melt quickly.

Cannabinoids are not water-soluble and therefore need to combine with a fatty substance, such as butter, to show real effectiveness. When a homogeneous yellowish-colored mixture has been obtained, proceed by turning off the flame and adding the crushed marijuana.

In order to obtain an excellent quality product, attention must be paid to the temperatures, which must never be excessive (boiling should be avoided), and to the timing (at least 8 hours): therefore, several hours are necessary to prepare an excellent butter, in which it is good to arm oneself with patience! Indeed, the butter must be melted in a bain-marie slowly, and then supplemented with the chopped tops.

During this procedure, it is essential that the water level always cover both the butter and the chopped inflorescences, adding more liquid if necessary in case of high evaporation.

After straining the contents into a container, it is then placed in the refrigerator for at least two hours, at the end of which time the final product consists of two parts: the upper solid and the lower liquid.

It is planned to recover only the solid portion and discard the other.

Legal Marijuana Cookies Recipe with Cannabutter


  • 250 grams of flour “00”
  • 100 grams of sugar (preferably brown sugar)
  • 150 grams of hemp butter
  • 2 eggs (or 1 egg and 1 yolk)
  • 250 grams of chocolate chips
  • one sachet of baking powder (or 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda)


  1. To prepare excellent marijuana cookies with cannabutter, initially you need to whip the butter and sugar until you get a soft and spongy mixture, which can be made with whips or even better with an electric beater.
  2. You will then need to add eggs while continuing to mix briskly, flour, baking powder and finally chocolate chips; the resulting mixture should rest in the refrigerator for at least half an hour.
  3. In the previously greased baking tin, the balls of dough are then arranged; they should have a good consistency and firmness and should be crispy on the outside and soft on the inside when finished baking.

Legal marijuana cookies recipe with hemp oil


  • 250 grams of flour,
  • 100 grams of unrefined sugar,
  • 2 cups of water,
  • 2 tablespoons of hemp oil,
  • a bar of dark chocolate,
  • 250 grams of bitter cocoa powder.


  1. The recipe calls for making brownies-type treats, which are low and soft and for which no baking powder is required.
  2. In this case, it is necessary to initially melt the chocolate in a bain-marie and mix in the cocoa powder; to this cream must be added the sugar, flour, hemp oil and the 2 cups of water, stirring vigorously with a whisk or immersion blender.
  3. For the brownies to be perfectly successful, it is essential that the mixture be especially smooth and without any granulations. The oven should be preheated to 180 degrees as the dough, cut into squares about 2 inches on a side, should be introduced while hot.



Legal marijuana cookie recipe with variations

  • The classic basic recipe for marijuana cookies or cannabis cookies can be modified by adding other ingredients, depending on subjective preference. One delicious variation involves the use of almond flour or coconut flour, which can replace “00” flour.
  • By slightly increasing the amount of cannabutter (200 grams instead of 150 grams), it is possible to prepare delicious shortbread cookies that are crumbly and very delicate; in this case, chocolate chips are not included. Very tasty and crunchy, then, are the marijuana and cereal cookies, which, to the basic recipe, call for the addition of a cup of finely chopped cereal (like cornflakes).
  • For those who like raisins, perhaps along with dried blueberries, you can add them to the basic recipe, taking care to soften them in warm water but not in traditional rum. Oatmeal, or even oatmeal flakes, can replace some of the “00” flour to make tasty whole-grain cookies with a grainy texture, perfect for pairing with ice cream.
  • To sumptuously enrich these treats, there is nothing better than a delicious white or colored icing, prepared with 100 grams of powdered sugar and 2 tablespoons of water, to be mixed until a rather solid cream is obtained. Those who wish can add a pinch of any food coloring, not forgetting turmeric or ginger.
  • It is also possible to make legal marijuana cookies using a mix of cannabutter and peanut butter in equal parts (100 grams each) to be added to the basic recipe, resulting in crumbly, golden cookies.
  • Ginger and cinnamon are two spices commonly used in confectionery that can lend a refined and exotic flavor to these sweets; ginger is usually used fresh and grated, while cinnamon is powdered, often combined with cocoa.
  • Creativity and the availability of top-quality ingredients are prerequisites for making marijuana cookies, which are ideal for breakfasts, snacks or as a fast-breaker.

Characteristics of Legal Marijuana Cookies

So here we come to the main focus of today’s in-depth study. Little treats with an intense and pleasant flavor, marijuana cookies are so good that it is easy to overindulge, forgetting that, even if in a small part, the cannabinoids in the food can have various effects. One must then avoid enjoying these treats while simultaneously taking marijuana in other ways (e.g., by smoking it), to avert unpleasant accumulating effects.

There are different varieties of light cannabis indicated for the preparation of cookies, which, thanks to different more or less spicy and more or less intense characteristics, are able to offer various kinds of results.

Any type of female inflorescence can be used, the selection of which depends only on personal taste, bearing in mind that they must be of excellent quality to enhance the effects of the active ingredients they contain.

Recipes for legal marijuana desserts

If you then want to further expand your culinary skills and realize that marijuana cookies are not for you, then all you have left to do is learn a few alternatives. Let’s look at them together!

Soft hemp cake



  • 150 grams of unrefined sugar,
  • 150 grams of flour “00”,
  • 150 grams of hemp flour,
  • 100 grams of hemp butter,
  • 150 milliliters of hemp milk,
  • 4 eggs,
  • 1 sachet of yeast,
  • 1 sachet of vanilla.


Eggs should be beaten with sugar until they form a creamy, fluid mixture to which melted butter (at room temperature), milk and flours are added. Alternatively, it is possible to whip the egg whites to stiff peaks and only later to add the yolks and sugar. To make a smooth dough, it is advisable to use electric whips. Lastly, the baking powder and vanillin are added.

You must finally pour the mixture into a cake pan 26 centimeters in diameter and bake at 180 degrees for 45 minutes. This cake turns out particularly soft and delicate and is perfect for a nutritious but digestible breakfast.

Legal Marijuana Mocha Cake


  • 200 grams of flour “00”,
  • 100 grams of hemp flour,
  • 100 grams of hemp butter,
  • 200 grams of raw sugar,
  • 2 eggs,
  • 150 milliliters of mocha coffee,
  • 1 sachet of yeast.

For the icing

  • 150 grams of dark chocolate,
  • 50 grams of hemp butter.


Start by beating the eggs with the sugar until a fluffy, spongy mixture to which you add the melted butter (at room temperature), flours, coffee and baking powder. It would be preferable to mix everything with electric whips to achieve that homogeneity on which the success of the cake depends. Baking involves a temperature of 180 degrees for about an hour or at least until the surface of the cake is golden and hard.

The frosting is prepared by melting the chocolate in a bain-marie and then adding the butter, which comes together perfectly due to the heat of the melted chocolate. After the frosting has warmed, you have to pour it slowly over the surface of the cake, taking care that it is almost cold to prevent the frosting from slipping off. In short, the secret to making a perfect Moka Cake indeed depends on the frosting!

We hope, with these short recipes on marijuana cookies, to have provided you with some curious ideas so that you can apply yourself in the kitchen in a definitely alternative way that will satisfy your taste buds and amaze those of your diners.

Remember that you can find all the ingredients and all the accessories for these recipes in our store.


We hope that our insights on this topic have been helpful to you in being able to improve your knowledge of the legal marijuana that you can purchase in our shop, and that they have also shown you how numerous are the possibilities of using this substance.

It is clear that what we have been able to share with you above is only a small cross-section of the very long list of opportunities that you will be able to conquer by purchasing a product such as those already listed.

In fact, legal marijuana will allow you to unleash your creativity in so many ways, being able to discover – day after day – more and more innovative and alternative uses of this substance, in the kitchen or elsewhere.

If you have any questions, proceed by contacting our customer care: we will certainly be happy to answer all your questions about how you can maximize the effectiveness of legal cannabis products!